Time in Chile

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Chilean Universities' fees are the most expensive in thre world followed by the USA

The monthly payments in the Chilean Universities are 3 more times than Italia's ones, 4 more times than Spain's ones, 5 more times than Belguim's ones and 19 more times than France's ones, according to a stadistics saught by the OCDE (Organization of Cooperation and Economical Development).

According to an article published on sunday (August 21st 2011) in "El País", a spanish newspapers, the chilean universities are the most expensive in the world, followed by the USA, situation than has taken many families to get into debt and stay up to 50% of their earnings in the payment of the monthly payments to the bank or to the right universities.

According to the publishment, the "Chilean public universities, that receives very little support from the Government comparing to other countries, are the most expensive in Latin America and their monthly payments are 3 more times that Italia's ones, 4 more times than Spain's ones, 5 more times than Belgium's ones and 19 more times than France's ones, according to a stadistic of OCDE (Organization of Cooperation and Economical Development). The effort of chilean families to paying the monthly payments, consideration the earnings, "is the higest in all countries followed by the USA, OCDE says.

The crisis of the education makes in black with applauses that receives the chilean economy, that this year it will grow to 6%, situation that has made much attention in the foreign.

Thousands families are now flooded by the debts that have contracted so their children can study in universities, that has taken students to mobilize in massive marches by Santiago de Chile's streets and Chilean Cities'.

All students, from secondary and universities, who were joined by the trade of teachers, demand a structural change to a system that was designed in the dictadorship's age (1973-1990).

Despite defenders of the systems say that this has allowed to grow the matriculate of students of 250.000 in 1990 almost one million in 2010, that's not been "enough to reverse the marked stratification of the chances in this education level", explains the Ejecutive director of Equitas Fundation, Pamela Díaz-Romero.

She adds than in the 10% poorest popularity, the rate of access to universities is a 16%, meanwhile in the 10% richest is a 61%.

It could say that one of the benefits of the system is that Children of middle-and-lower-earning families will at least study in a university first time, but as the secondary education is bad quality, they will study in the higher education with a less level of requirement.

Also, there's an consensus about that public universities have a little financing, while private universities operate with no fiscalization and all with highest costs, while in the secondary education, despite there are private schools with no profit making, few of them have respected it.

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