Time in Chile

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011


BHPE, Beca Hijo de Profesores, Beca hijos de profesionales de la educación (Children-of Teacher Grants)

Who gets this grants?
Students who are children of a teacher in whose school where he or she works is public or subsidied)

How does this grant lay?
This grant lays US$ 104 per each monthly payment
EG: Monthly payment of a career a student studies costs US$394 montlhy, if this student gets this grant, the career would cost US$ 282 per monthly paymeny (394-104=282)

What are requirements?
- Chilean nationality
- 12th grade taken entirely
- Be child of a teacher, in whose school where he or she works is public or subsidied
- I, II, III or IV quintile (through papers that show you have one of those quintile)
- 500 PSU score (Average PSUs lenguaje and Math) or upper
- NEM average 5,5 or upper
- register as a student in a Public or Private University

Does it have to be renewed?
Yes, the renewing is yearly and requirements are:
- Keep studying at the same university and career where this grant were assigned
- Keep in the I or II quintile (through papers that show you have one of those quintile)
- Have got approved at least 70% of all carrer's subjects
- Make one's parent (teacher) keepi working at a public or subsidied school

What do you think about this grant?¿Does it make fun of student , being children of teacher, future of our country? do you know teacher who works in a public school earns less than a teacher who work in a subsidied and private school?

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