- Pre-School: education for up-to-6-years-old children
- Basic: education for 6-to-14-years-old children
- Secondary: education for 14-to-18-years-old children
- Higher Education: education for over-18-years-old children
- Cribs-Room: (Sala Cuna) is a education involving in rooms with cribs and baby attentions, this education is created for helping parent who works and who can't take ocupation on children because of working.
- - Cribs-Room Lower: for up-to-2-years-old children
- - Cribs-Room Higer: for 2-to-4-years-old children
- Pre-Kinder: This education is not required, but this makes the children more developed, this education is for 4-years-old children.
- Kinder: This education is nearly required (I mean such because there's another alternativewhich is the Language School) this education consists on teaching children more basic gadgets to stay in 1st grade at school, this is for 5-years-old children.
- I Cycle (1st and 2nd grade): This cycle focuses most on being sure children to have a capability of reading WELL and calculating WELL (Language and Math) and more subjects.
- II Cycle (3rd and 4th grade): This cycle focuses on expanding the learning of children like social and nature sciences (mixed).
- III - IV Cycles (5th to 8th grade): This cycle consists on preparing more to study in the seconday stage.
- 1st half (9th and 10th grade): This education focuses on preparing children to have a higer PSU scores, but in 10th grade, Every student must have to choose the career to keep studying in the 2nd half of the secondary stage:
- Technical-Professional careers: carrer that lasts the 2 years of the 2nd half of the secondary stage.
- Humanist-Scientific: Keep preparing to have a higher PSU score.
Higher Education
The higher education consists on 3 places:
- University or College: Place where you can get very higest education like MBA, magisters, etc.
- Institution or University: Place where you can get a degree studying a career for 3 and half, 4 or 5 years.
- Departament of technical formation: Place where you can get a degree in 2 or 3 years.
The next time, I'll show the subjects Children have to learn during the 12 required years of education.
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