Time in Chile

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011


The multi-union published a document that explains the demands of workers and citizens for the great days 24 and 25 August.

The National Board joined and published the following things on July 1st 2011:

The workers of Chile, the citizens of all the country, are called to join to the National Strike on 24 and 25 August.

The thing that feed up the patience and that offends the chilean town, is the scandalous social and economical unequality, whose very dirrty face is the stronger concentration of the richness of the country, that makes that the 20% rich people take the 80% of the national resource.

We have to change the status of things and aspire a very equitative and fairer country.

So that, The Natinal Strike was called tlo. As protest and exigence. There are in concert 6 reasons so all Chile mobilize on 24 and 25 August.
  1. For a Tax Reform: The national and international consortiums, the biggest companies, the rich people, can and must pay more taxes that allow the country to get resource to defeat the social problems. Those taxes must serve as a development for the regions where such companies are installed.
  2. Changes in the system of social pension. Now's System lays the poorness of millions of pensionaries and elderlies. The system of pensions of individual capitalization with prift making, allows the richness of economical groups that manages the AFPs (Association of Funds and Pensions) and the companies where these capitals invest. The Government must play the preponderating role in material of social prevision and the companies must support for the pensions of their workers.
  3. Improve the health of all chileans: The Isapres (Chilean Health Plan Provider) have speculations and can't get to satisfy the needs of users and also, they makes bebts. It requires a deep reform to the "Isapres' Laws" to end the abusive plans and the Government must grow the resource for a quiality publich health.
  4. New Insitutionality for the education: The CUT (Unit Center of Workers) warranties the fair and coherent demans of Students, Teachers and Education Assistant and we ask a new institutionality for the public education. We ask to end the profit that comes money to the Government and warranty the real access to the education and, the participation of every statements in the decisions of the Education.
  5. New Worker's Laws: It's in the work where the biggest social unequalities are mades, by passing out to millions of workers with a poor and bad-quality work and a lowest wage. We demand New Laboral Laws that warranty a real unit freedom, sector colective business and for services, a real right to make a strike, ending fire for needs of the company and ending of MultiRut and more.
  6. New Political Constitution: Chile as a country it requires a new political constitution, that makes a constitutional rating to fundamental rights of workers and that establishes a plebiscite as a new way to solve the biggest national topics so Chileans can give opinions and decide about the biggest topic in the country.
Chile can and must be different. The now's status of things can be changed if the workers and citizens we decided to push for changing the social unequality that passes us out and going ahead to more democracy and social fairness.

Those days, Chileans joined to the Chilean Strike by not handing money anywhere (supermarkets, banks, etc) As a symbol of poorness of Chile.

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