Time in Chile

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011


I need you to read this article because there're people who are still blind:

  • 1. Chilean education is the 2nd most unequal socially in the world
  • 2. Chile has the 6th most expensive fees in the world, compared by parity power and worst system of grants.
  • 3. There're southamerican countries whose education is free or cheaper, meaning that Chile has the highest per-Cápita PIB and Chile makes most amount of copper in the world, potentially, Chile'd have one of the most richest economy in the world
  • 4. the PSU (University-Selection Test) lets the class discrimination grow between public and private schools, a country with a coefficient of extreme unequal society like Chile needs means of selection according to its reality, like measuring specifical knowledge for career to postulate and aptitudes for it, also, the PSU would be made for the way men think (85% of higest PSU scores are got by men)
  • 5. In Chile, 15% of resources for education is laid by the government and 85% is laid by families. This amount is 0,3% of PIB, one of the lowest ones in the world, the average in developed countries is 1,3%, meaning nearly half of these resources goes only to 4 universities of CRUCH (rector's board of Chilean Universities), the restant left are into debt and tied to the self-financed. In developed countries, it's upside down.
  • 6. Many students get into expensive debt for studying (credits or loans), making their future as a debt.
  • 7. 65%-of-the-lowest-quintile students drap out, mainly because of economical problems.
  • 8. 56,7% of people DON'T work what they studied and got into a millionaire debt they must pay off, "the marketing of the education" collapses the laboral field and regulates nothing.
  • 9. In Chile, there're more professionals than technics, meanwhile in developed countries, it's upside down. The university degree is getting less value. Chile need more qualitry technics. The collapsing of professionals of health, also, makes problems of public health in the country, so many developed countries have NUMERUS CLAUSUS on, restrinction of available amount on inscribing in certain careers.
  • 10. The profit of universities is autoconstitutional, also, doesn't make universities whose main goal is the development of the country, but making utilities for the owners, has no highest incentives for no research and no development of technology; they lay thousand US dollars to publishment that can be reinvested into a 100% for researches, infraestructure, docence, etc. They also can't be regulated and profit with money of earning from the universities, paying is enough. The education systems of developed countries are meritocratic, in Chile, however, it depends on your payment availability.
  • 12. The acreditations are not useful, neather for quality. Process is evaluated, not results, it only acreditates that degreed people to have the profile that this Universiy defines according to how convenient it is, it must be an only one entity with no interest created, it's important to define a standart profile for all universities and every career of the country. This damage, made by the dictadorship, continued and in deep by the Concertation and now's Government, goes on and on to the country because of highest values if it has to lay price on it it would be hundreds of millions US dollars underneathm closed to a feedback in the development of several decades). Values that don't have comparing to destroying made by student nowadays, WE ARE AVAILABLE TO WASTE SEVERAL WEEKS OF CLASSES.


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