In Chile, there are 25 universities of CRUCH (Board of Rectors to Chile's Universities), which 16 of then are public and 9 left are semipublic (the quality as private is no longer on by belonging to CRUCH).

01. UTA (Universidad de Tarapacá de Arica) Arica*
(I) Tarapacá Region
02. UNAP (Universidad Arturo Prat) Iquique*
(II) Antofagasta Region
03. UA (Universidad Antofagasta) Antofagasta*
04. UCN (Universidad Católica del Norte) Antofagasta
(III) Atacama Region
05. UDA (Universidad de Atacama) Copaipó*
(IV) Coquimbo Region
06. ULS (Universidad de La Serena) La Serena*
(V) Valparaíso Region
07. UPLA (Universidad de Playa Ancha) Valparaíso*
08. UV (Universidad de Valparaíso) Valparaíso*
09. PUCV (Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso) Valparaíso
10. UTFSM (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María) Valparaíso
(XIII) Metropolitan Region from Santiago de Chile
11. UCH (Universidad de Chile) Santiago*
12. USACH (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) Santiago*
13. UTEM (Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana) Santiago*
14. UMCE (Univ. Metro. de Ciencia de la Educación) Santiago*
15. PUC (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Santiago
(VI) Libertador O'Higgins Region
There's no universities from this region that belongs to CRUCH
(VII) de Maule Region
16. UTALCA (Universidad de Talca) Talca*
17. UCM (Universidad Católica del Maule) Talca
(VIII) Bio Bio Region
18. UBB (Universidad del Bio Bio) Concepción*
19. UDEC (Universidad de Concepción) Concepción
20. UCSC (Univ. Cat. de la Santísima Concepción) Concepción
(IX) Araucanía Region
21. UFRO (Univdersidad de la Frontera) Temuco*
22. UCT (Universidad Católica de Temuco) Temuco
(XIV) Los Ríos Region
23. UACH (Universidad Austral de Chile) Valdivia
(X) Los Lagos Region
24. ULA (Universidad de los Lagos) Ososrno*
(XI) Aysén and Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region
There's no universities from this region that belongs to CRUCH
(XII) Magallanes and Chilean Artic Region
25. UMAG (Universidad de Magallanes) Punta Arenas.*
* Public Universities, otherwise, Semipublic Universities
PS: 13th region is Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile, this change is due to the focus from the administration as of Oct 2007
PS2: The 14th region of Los Rios belonged to X region of Los Lagos up to the disfunction whose date was on 8 Oct 2007.
PS3: The 15th region of Arica y Parinacota belonged to I region of Tarapacá up to the disfunction whose date was on 8 Oct 2007.
(And UTA has a starting letter (T) to Tarapaca, Region which it belonged to before this such event).
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