- Going to toilet: We were not allowed to go to toilet during classes and they were closed so as to show it to us. When a break or lunch time started, they were open BUT men we were not allowed to come into it with our schoolbags, we had to place them out of it because some of them scrawled WC cabine's walls and we had to use the urinal instead the WC for only urinating (I hate it).
- Breaks and Lunchtimes: During breaks (2 per morning, 1 per afternoon and 15 min each one) and lunchtimes (13:00 - 14:00), we couldn't stay and sit down on corridors, stairs and downstairs; in this high school, there was no roof out there that could protect us from the sun the ultraviolet race is higher AND WE COULDN'T EVEN SIT DOWN ON A LITTLE FOUNTAIN THERE WAS IN THE HALL AND LAY FOR A MOMENT, JUST SITTING DOWN EVEN IF ON FLOOR.
- Coming to Classes: When the bell is ringing, inspectors pressed us so we hurried up going to classes, and before coming into the classroom, we had to make a row, look in front, off the wall and girls came into and then men did that, we had to stand straight off the table and say "Good day Teacher" and then we could sit down QUIET, only paying attention to the teacher, no eating and drinking anything, it's not hurtful but we're not allowed to do those. If a teacher didn't attend a class, we had to cross our arms and do nothing because WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO USE GAMES, MP3, SLEEP, ETC. during this class. When a teacher did attend a class, this gets angry and teaches us angrily because of nothing until he or she shouts!!!.
- My school as a jail: Once, my classmate was having fun with others with her camera when an inspector saw them so then he removed it off from her and her mother had to recover it (This is the law) when she did it, she discovered that all pictures was DELETED!!!!!! so she and her daughter demanded him. AND THIS IS TOO WHO THREW A RING OF MY SISTER ON TRASH!!!!
- The day starting and ending: We had to come into this high school in the main gate and go out in the backyard's gate. (not allowed upside down)
- The personal presentation: This is a very strict area we had. We men had to bring our "Military-cut hair (As short as possible) if it grows up a little bit, we were dated so as to cut it. If we wove an underwear with a mark under out shirt, we are required to unwear it. If we had a shirt out of the pants (even if school's out) we are required to put it inside. We, wearing the school uniform, couldn't visit a pool's place or a mall, even if we were with a parent.
- THE MAINLY AND MORE REPRESSED THING EVER: You know the high school I studied in has never let us live alone and free, There was never freedom, We lived like in a jail, private from all. THE HATE FOR THIS REPRESSIVE HIGH SCHOOL HAVE BEEN STARTING WHEN I CRITICIZED ABOUT HOW REPRESSIVE AND NO FREEDOM THIS HIGH SCHOOL HAD, when my mom went to it because my siblings studied there yet and asked about their grades, then the general inspector told my mother that her son (me) has written bad thing about our dear high school and asked her to me to delete those comments I made (my true expressions and criticizes), because of not doing that, My siblings could be exposed from this High School, I accessed to do that but My heart is not an idiot and keep my hate to that yet. This happened on June 2009 (I've ended my secondary education on Nov 2007).
Believe it ro not, This is a true story I stood, Thanks and Bye
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